Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Taco Casserole

Every Tuesday in our house is Taco Tuesday.  You can imagine how boring it can get eating the same meal every Tuesday.  Taco Tuesday is so popular in the Pepper household that we have a weekly guest here every Tuesday for tacos.  This week I decided to try something new.  I decided to make a Taco Casserole.  It was super easy to make and came out great!  We all ate more than we should but it was so awesome.  I have an idea for next week as well.  Here's my simple recipe for Taco Casserole.


2.5 lbs of ground meat
2 packets of taco seasonings
2 large tomatoes diced
1 large bag of shredded lettuce
1 container of sour cream
2 cups of shredded cheese
taco sauce for taste

Pre-heat oven to 350.  Ground the meat.  Once complete add the taco seasoning.  Continue to cook the meat to mix all the seasoning with the meat.  Once the meat is fully cooked and the seasoning is completely mixed, it's time to start layering the ingredients.  This is the order I layered them in:
1. meat
2. cheese
3. tomatoes
4. sour cream
5. cheese
6. taco sauce

Cook the casserole for 20 minutes to melt the cheese.  Once the cheese is melt add lettuce on top and put the remaining sour cream on top.

Enjoy,  my family sure did!

PS.  I wish I would have added avocado!

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